Australian Computer Society Women's Board Surveys 2008/2010/2012 Datatset (raw data surveys from 2003 women employed in the Australian information communication technology industry)

  • Susan Bandias (Creator)
  • Leonie Warne (Creator)



    An online survey of Australian Computer Society 'Women Members' undertaken in years 2008, 2010 and 2012. The cohort was women employed (past or present) in the Australian Information Communication Technology (ICT) industry. The surveys comprised questions covering demographic information, employment, influences and challenges, soft skills, career impacts and ACS membership. The dataset includes raw data for 678 participants in the 2008 survey, 787 participants in and 538 participants in the 2012 survey, giving a total of 2003 returned surveys. The collated raw data for each of the years is collated into separate Access databases, thus three databases.

    Access Condition: Mediated access. Please contact Susan Bandias about the dataset. [email protected]

    Copyright Notice: Intellectual Property held by the Australian Computer Society.
    Date made available2015
    PublisherAustralian Computer Society
    Temporal coverage2008 - 2013
    Date of data production2008 - 2013

    Field of Research (FoR)

    • 1503 Business and Management
    • 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences

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