Projects per year
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Sean Bellairs
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Senior Lecturer - Plant Science
Person: Research and Teaching
Rafael Bohn Reckziegel
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Research Fellow - Remote sensing riparian vegetation
Person: Research
Hamish Campbell
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Professor
Person: Research and Teaching
Keith Christian
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Professor - Zoology
Person: Research and Teaching
Richard Crabbe
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Lecturer - Remote Sensing
Person: Research and Teaching
Carla C. Eisemberg
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Senior Lecturer in STEM Pathways
Person: Teaching
Jay Evans
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Bushfires Research Officer (Ecologist)
- Faculty of Science and Technology
- Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Cohort
Person: PhD, Other
Erica Garcia
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science
Person: Research and Teaching
Rosemary Hohnen
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Adjunct Research Fellow
Person: Research
Lindsay B. Hutley
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Professor - Environmental Science
Person: Research and Teaching
R. Keller Kopf
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Senior Lecturer - Quantitative Zoology
Person: Research and Teaching
Muhammad Sohail Mazhar
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Adjunct Professor
Person: Research
Vinuthaa Murthy
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Senior Lecturer - Chemistry
Person: Research and Teaching
Rebecca Rogers
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - VET Lecturer/Workplace Assessor Aviation (Remote Pilot), University Fellow
Person: Teaching, Research and Teaching
Natalie Rossiter-Rachor
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Senior Lecturer - Ecology
Person: Research and Teaching
Kamaljit Sangha
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Associate Professor - Ecological Economics
Person: Research
Christine Schlesinger
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Associate Professor - Environmental Science
Person: Research and Teaching
Kiran Sreedhar Ram
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Lecturer in Engineering
Person: Research and Teaching
Addressing the fundamentals of cropping-systems that deliver sustainable growth of agriculture sector in the Northern Territory
Sangha, K. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Mazhar, M. S. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
1/01/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Research
Adelaide River Aquatic Ecosystem Mapping and Classification, Preliminary Fieldwork
Garcia, E. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), De Mello, K. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Kyne, P. M. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Kopf, R. K. (Associate Investigator) & Ramsey, R. (Project Manager)
4/09/23 → 30/04/24
Project: Research
Banks, S. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Murphy, B. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Hutley, L. B. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Davis, J. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Stromsoe, N. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Kopf, R. K. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Irvine, D. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Edwards, A. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
4/10/23 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
Behavioral and ecological characteristics of the northern long-necked turtle (Chelodina rugosa) in the Arafura Swamp Region, Northern Territory over differing habitats which increase its vulnerability to water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) disturbance
Truscott, H. A. (Student Investigator) & Garcia, E. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
16/08/23 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
Buidling advanced composite hydrogen storage in the Northern Territory
Campbell, H. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Bazli, M. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
3/06/24 → 3/12/25
Project: Research
Cyber Territory Skills Hub
Schwellnus, T. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Alazab, M. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Azam, S. (Chief Investigator C), Shanmugam, B. (Chief Investigator D), Thomson, S. (Chief Investigator E) & Hamilton, M. (Other)
8/03/23 → 14/08/25
Project: Research
DCCEEW Fire Scar Mapping 2024-25
Jacklyn, P. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Crosbie, K. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), Fisher, R. (Chief Investigator C) & Joseph, A. (Chief Investigator D)
1/07/24 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
DP240100370 Defining the links between climate change, marine disease and food security
Seymour, J. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Scanes, E. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), Gibb, K. (Chief Investigator C), Padovan, A. (Chief Investigator C) & Tinning, Z. (Associate Investigator)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Research
Fine scale fire mapping for Kakadu National Park - Extension
Evans, J. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Paramjyothi Venugopal, H. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Edwards, A. (Associate Investigator)
8/03/24 → 1/03/25
Project: Research
F3: Fuel Pick-up and Its Emulsification as Means to Improve Fire Performance of Fluorine-free Firefighting Foams
Dlugogorski, B. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Murthy, V. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
10/10/24 → 1/10/27
Project: Research
FullCAM uncertainty analysis
Murphy, B. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Fischer, S. E. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
6/05/24 → 28/09/24
Project: Research
Have Mangroves Been Overlooked for Their Potential to Support Food and Nutrition Security in Indonesia?
Stacey, N. (Supervisor) & Middleton, L. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
25/07/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
CRCNA WSP: Implementation phase - Water Security for Northern Australia Program
Irvine, D. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Garcia, E. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Kopf, R. K. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Davis, J. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Sangha, K. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Duvert, C. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Kyne, P. M. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Hutley, L. B. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Crabbe, R. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Kaestli, M. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Zander, K. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
12/04/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Research
Increasing on-farm labour productivity for sustainable production, nutrition and inclusive livelihood gains in Timor-Leste
Vial, L. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Xu, S. (Chief Investigator C), Wurm, P. (Chief Investigator D) & Penrose, B. (Chief Investigator E)
1/07/24 → 30/06/28
Project: Research
Integrating emerging aviation technology into ghost-net detection, survey, and retrieval operations around the Groote Archipelago
Campbell, H. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Alazab, M. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Azam, S. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
1/03/23 → 31/05/25
Project: Research
Investigation of novel fluorine-free firefighting foams based on hydroxysultaine surfactants: A molecular approach
Khandika, R. N. (Student Investigator), Dlugogorski, B. (Supervisor) & Murthy, V. (Supervisor)
1/07/24 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
LP210300151 Transforming cultural and natural resource management workforce capabilities
Russell-Smith, J. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Bolt, R. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), Murphy, B. (Chief Investigator C), Wallace, R. (Chief Investigator D), Duvert, C. (Chief Investigator E), Sparrow, B. (Chief Investigator F), Spencer, M. (Chief Investigator G), Macdonald, J. (Chief Investigator H), Humphrey, C. L. (Chief Investigator I), Perry, J. (Chief Investigator J), Andrew, H. (Chief Investigator J), Archer, R. (Chief Investigator J), Robinson, C. (Chief Investigator J), Bartolo, R. (Chief Investigator J), Senarath, A. (Other), Britnell, K. (Other), Edwards, A. (Project Manager) & Evans, J. (Other)
1/01/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Research
LP230200709 Cat management guided by Country
Murphy, B. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Davies, H. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), Legge, S. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), Ryan, S. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), Hradsky, B. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B) & Ballard, G. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
1/07/24 → 30/06/27
Project: Research
NESP Resilient Landscapes Hub- Project 3.1 Supporting the strategic management of invasive grasses
Rossiter-Rachor, N. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Setterfield, S. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
1/03/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Research
NESP Resilient Landscapes Hub- Project 4.7 Identifying biodiversity and bush-tucker hotspots for targeted management in Kakadu National Park
Douglas, M. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Rossiter-Rachor, N. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Setterfield, S. (Chief Investigator C)
1/04/24 → 1/06/27
Project: Research
Research output
Assessing the reliability of woody vegetation structural characterisation from UAV-LS in a tropical savanna
Bohn Reckziegel, R., Lowe, T., Devereux, T., Johnson, S. M., Rochelmeyer, E., Hutley, L. B., Doody, T. & Levick, S. R., Jun 2025, In: Science of Remote Sensing. 11, p. 1-11 11 p., 100178.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile7 Downloads (Pure) -
Genetic relatedness shapes social dynamics in a threatened finch: implications for population assessment
Müller, M. F., Baker, C. J., Banks, S. C., Campbell, M. A., Crewe, T. L., Kaestli, M., Collett, S. J., Radford, I. J. & Campbell, H. A., Jan 2025, In: Animal Behaviour. 219, p. 1-12 12 p., 123035.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile15 Downloads (Pure) -
Large-scale and long-term wildlife research and monitoring using camera traps: a continental synthesis
Bruce, T., Amir, Z., Allen, B. L., Alting, B. F., Amos, M., Augusteyn, J., Ballard, G. A., Behrendorff, L. M., Bell, K., Bengsen, A. J., Bennett, A., Benshemesh, J. S., Bentley, J., Blackmore, C. J., Boscarino-Gaetano, R., Bourke, L. A., Brewster, R., Brook, B. W., Broughton, C. & Buettel, J. C. & 151 others, , 2025, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Biological Reviews. p. 1-26 26 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile9 Downloads (Pure) -
Open letter: There are more than just trees and forests to be conserved and restored
Pilon, N., Peixoto, F., Oliveira, R. S., Oliveira, A. C. C., Alquéres, J., Alvarado, S., Angelo, J. G. M., Archibald, S., Armani, M., Baldaszti, L., Barot, S., Barros, F. D. V., Barroso, M., Bassani, A., te Beest, M., Benavides-Tocarruncho, J., Benitez, L. M., Bernardino, P. N., Bond, W. J. & den Braber, B. & 117 others, , 2025, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Plants People Planet. p. 1-5 5 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Letter › peer-review
Open AccessFile4 Downloads (Pure) -
Resistance of Australian fish communities to drought and flood: implications for climate change and adaptations
Hansen, H. H., Bergman, E., Kopf, K. & Lindmark, M., Jan 2025, In: Ecography. 2025, 1, e07442.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile41 Downloads (Pure) -
The influence of fire and termites on tree hollow development in an Australian tropical savanna
Rochelmeyer, E., Murphy, B. P., Levick, S. R., Stobo-Wilson, A. M. & Richards, A. E., 1 Feb 2025, In: Forest Ecology and Management. 577, p. 1-9 9 p., 122403.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile52 Downloads (Pure) -
Topic modelling of the wetland condition assessment literature reveals trends, key gaps, and opportunities for combining different assessment techniques
de Mello, K., Luiz, O., Garcia, E. A. & Richards, A. E., Feb 2025, In: Ecological Indicators. 171, p. 1-12 12 p., 113141.Research output: Contribution to journal › Review article › peer-review
Open AccessFile -
Active crocodiles are less sociable
Baker, C. J., Class, B., Dwyer, R. G., Franklin, C. E., Campbell, H. A., Irwin, T. R. & Frère, C. H., 21 Oct 2024, In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 379, 1912, p. 1-11 11 p., 20220528.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Citation (Scopus)45 Downloads (Pure) -
A Multi-Index Classification Approach for Wetland Mapping Between 1986-2022 in the Australian Tropical Savanna Using Google Earth Engine
De Mello, K., Rodrigues Dos Santos Junior, E., Garcia, E. A., Dostine, P., Waugh, P., Huxley, J., Burcher, J. & Richard, A. E., 2024, p. 5507-5511. 5 p.Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference paper presented at Conference (not in Proceedings) › peer-review
A New Deep-water Species of Saurida (Pisces: Synodontidae) from the South China Sea and Central Philippines
Russell, B. C., Malay, M. C. D. & Cabebe-Barnuevo, R. A., Dec 2024, In: Zoological Studies. 63, p. 1-10 10 p., 40.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile2 Downloads (Pure) -
A review of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar for invasive alien plant research
Shennan, G. & Crabbe, R., Nov 2024, In: Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. 36, p. 1-31 31 p., 101358.Research output: Contribution to journal › Review article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Citation (Scopus)42 Downloads (Pure) -
Assessing environmental liabilities of mining in Northern Australia: A Case study of the McArthur River Mine
Leyton-Flor, S. A., Sangha, K. & Howey, K., Dec 2024, In: Extractive Industries and Society. 20, p. 1-15 15 p., 101562.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile59 Downloads (Pure) -
Assessing named entity recognition efficacy using diverse geoscience datasets
Chambi, S. P. V., Lindsay, M., Klump, J. & Francis, N., 2024, 2024 International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing, MIGARS 2024. Wellington: IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 1-4 4 p. (2024 International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing, MIGARS 2024).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference Paper published in Proceedings › peer-review
Cavitron extraction of xylem water suggests cryogenic extraction biases vary across species but are independent of tree water stress
Duvert, C., Barbeta, A., Hutley, L. B., Rodriguez, L., Irvine, D. J. & Taylor, A. R., Feb 2024, In: Hydrological Processes. 38, 2, p. 1-10 10 p., e15099.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Citation (Scopus)68 Downloads (Pure) -
Comparative Analysis of Shelf-Life, Antioxidant Activity, and Phytochemical Contents of Australian-Grown and Imported Dragon Fruit under Ambient Conditions
Chen, S. Y., Islam, M. A., Johnson, J. B., Xu, C. Y., Mazhar, M. S. & Naiker, M., Oct 2024, In: Horticulturae. 10, 10, p. 1-30 30 p., 1048.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Citation (Scopus)22 Downloads (Pure) -
Cooling down is as important as warming up for a large-bodied tropical reptile
Barham, K. E., Dwyer, R. G., Frere, C. H., Bentley, L. K., Baker, C. J., Campbell, H. A., Irwin, T. R. & Franklin, C. E., Nov 2024, In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 291, 2034, p. 1-12 12 p., 20241804.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile21 Downloads (Pure) -
Curbing the major and growing threats from invasive alien species is urgent and achievable
Roy, H. E., Pauchard, A., Stoett, P. J., Renard Truong, T., Meyerson, L. A., Bacher, S., Galil, B. S., Hulme, P. E., Ikeda, T., Kavileveettil, S., McGeoch, M. A., Nuñez, M. A., Ordonez, A., Rahlao, S. J., Schwindt, E., Seebens, H., Sheppard, A. W., Vandvik, V., Aleksanyan, A. & Ansong, M. & 68 others, , Jul 2024, In: Nature Ecology and Evolution. 8, 7, p. 1216–1223 8 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access17 Citations (Scopus) -
Declining representation of imperiled Atlantic Forest birds in community-science datasets
Forti, L. R., Passetti, A., Oliveira, T., Lima, J., Queiros, A., Lopes, M. A. D. F. & Szabo, J. K., 1 Jul 2024, In: Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 22, 3, p. 277-287 11 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile3 Citations (Scopus)26 Downloads (Pure) -
Den selection and movement patterns in a tropical savanna population of the northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus)
Trewella, G. J., Cremona, T. & Murphy, B., 28 Nov 2024, In: Wildlife Research.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Detecting groundwater dependence and woody vegetation restoration with NDVI and moisture trend analyses in an Indonesian karst savanna
Godwin, P., Tian, S., Duvert, C., Wurm, P., Riwu Kaho, N. & Edwards, A., 23 Aug 2024, In: Frontiers in Remote Sensing. 5, p. 1-17 17 p., 1280712.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Citation (Scopus)44 Downloads (Pure)