Projects per year
- 50 - 75 out of 127 results
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Developing a Blue Carbon Economy in the Northern Territory - Phase 2
Groom, R. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
1/02/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Developing a National Koala Monitoring Program (NKMP)
Macdonald, J. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
27/07/22 → 15/08/22
Project: Research
Developing the methods for a Transdisciplinary Research review for ACIAR
Westhorp, G. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & O'Rourke, K. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
14/07/23 → 30/05/24
Project: Research
Does annual reporting by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entities in Australia meet stakeholder expectations of accountability?
Norris, E. F. (Student Investigator) & Kutubi, S. (Supervisor)
1/07/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
DP200100559 Before Cook: Contact, Negotiation and the Archaeology of the Tiwi Islands
Wesley, D. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Van Duivenvoorde, W. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), Smith, M. (Chief Investigator C), Veys, F. (Chief Investigator D), Litster, M. (Chief Investigator E), Monteath, P. (Chief Investigator F), Popelka-Filcoff, R. (Chief Investigator G), Pollard, K. (Chief Investigator H) & Nayati, W. (Chief Investigator I)
2/11/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
DP210100402 Deadly Start: Enabling Preschoolers' Literacy, Numeracy and Wellbeing
Craven, R. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Yeung, A. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), McKinley, E. (Chief Investigator C), Wallace, R. (Chief Investigator D) & Turner, K. (Chief Investigator E)
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
DBELaSTEM: Drone-Based Experiential Learning and STEM Education
Sattar, F. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
1/02/19 → 1/02/20
Project: Research
File -
Establishment of an optimized dugong protection area in the southern Gulf of Carpentaria
Groom, R. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
15/06/23 → 1/05/24
Project: Research
Evaluation of Darwin and Alice Springs Visitor Parks
Taylor, A. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
28/09/23 → 8/12/23
Project: Research
Evaluation of FECCA EnCOMPASS: Multicultural Aged Care Connector Program
O'Rourke, K. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Westhorp, G. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B) & Nicholls, R. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
1/11/21 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Evaluation of Health Justice Australia
Westhorp, G. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Meggetto, E. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), O'Rourke, K. (Chief Investigator C), Mathias, J. (Chief Investigator D) & Williams, E. (Chief Investigator E)
25/10/22 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
Evaluation of the CALD National Community Connector Program
Westhorp, G. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Nicholls, R. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
1/08/20 → 31/08/21
Project: Research
Exploring and facilitating effective intercultural communication in early childhood assessment contexts
Armstrong, E. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
26/02/18 → 6/09/23
Project: HDR Project › PhD
Exploring End of Life options for Solar Photo voltaic systems in remote and regional areas
Mathur, D. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Gerritsen, R. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
4/11/19 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
Exploring the interrelationship and impacts of CSR, circular economy and corporate-community partnerships: A Northern Territory mining study
Erdiaw-Kwasie, M. O. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Abunyewah, M. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B) & Cobbinah, P. (Chief Investigator C)
30/11/21 → 1/12/23
Project: Research
Feasibility Assessment of Value and Opportunities Across the Northern Territory Agribusiness Sector
Tremblay, P. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
28/06/22 → 25/11/22
Project: Research
Financial impact of COVID 19 on Indigenous and nonindigenous enterprises in Australia- what do we know and what we can learn?
Low, D. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Kutubi, S. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), Long, R. (Chief Investigator C) & Greg, M. (Chief Investigator D)
3/01/22 → 2/01/23
Project: Research
Funding for post doctoral research projects - Dr Kuntal Goswami, Asoke Kumar Mehera, Kamal Mahmud, Dr Ritu Bhatia & Dr SathyaPriya Govindarajulu
Wallace, R. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Gerritsen, R. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
21/11/19 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Gove Futures Choice Modelling Project
Tremblay, P. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Boyle, A. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
9/10/23 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Habitat characterisation and biodiversity surveys in West Cape York Marine Park and Torres Strait Dugong Sanctuary
Groom, R. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A) & Senarath, A. (Business Manager)
1/11/21 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Heat Stress Management App: prototype testing to full public deployment
Oppermann, E. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
8/01/18 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
IAS Rainmaker Start Up for Understanding sustainability of outcomes in international development : a researchpartnership
Grey, K. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Westhorp, G. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), Worthington, S. (Chief Investigator C), Williams, E. (Chief Investigator D), Cant, S. P. (Associate Investigator), Feeny, S. (Associate Investigator) & Winterford, K. (Associate Investigator)
26/05/20 → 26/03/21
Project: Research
ILAO1800174 - Mobile Software for Oral Language Learning in Arnhem Land
Bird, S. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
1/12/18 → 31/10/22
Project: Research
Intercultural communication with Aboriginal health service users in rural and remote health care settings
Lovell, J. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A), Clarke, L. (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B), Aitken, R. (Chief Investigator C) & Lowell, A. (Chief Investigator D)
26/06/20 → 15/12/20
Project: Research
Investigate and describe the diverse capacities of Australian Indigenous languages for mathematical expression from a cross-linguistic perspective
Edmonds-Wathen, C. (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
4/11/19 → 30/06/22
Project: Research