Louise Maple-Brown
- Wellbeing and Preventable Chronic Disease - Senior Principal Research Fell
Person: Research
Gill Gorham, Associate Professor
- Wellbeing and Preventable Chronic Disease - Head Renal Health Program
Person: Research
Anne Lowell
- Faculty of Arts and Society, Northern Institute - Principal Research Fellow
Person: Research
Professor Amanda Leach, AM
- Child and Maternal Health - Senior Principal Research Fellow
Person: Research
David Thomas
- Wellbeing and Preventable Chronic Disease - Senior Principal Research
Person: Research and Teaching
Michael Christie
- Faculty of Arts and Society, Northern Institute - Professor in Education
Person: Research and Teaching
Melissa Lindeman
- Faculty of Arts and Society, Northern Institute - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Research
Martin Gallagher
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
- Canberra Hospital
- Concord Repatriation General Hospital
- George Institute
- University of New South Wales
- Repatriation General Hospital
- Sydney Medical School
External person
Vlado Perkovic
- The University of Sydney
- University of Queensland
- George Institute for Global Health
- North Shore Hospital
- Royal Melbourne Hospital
- George Institute
- University of New South Wales
External person
Sophia Zoungas
- Monash University
- The University of Sydney
- Monash Health
- University of New South Wales
- George Institute for Global Health
- Diabetes and Vascular Medicine Unit
External person
Stephen Jan
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
- University of New South Wales
- Sydney Medical School
External person
David Johnson
- University of Queensland
- Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane
- Translational Research Institute
- Metro South and Ipswich Nephrology and Transplant Services (MINTS)
- Child Health Research Centre
- Translational Research Institute
- Faculty of Medicine
External person
Paul Snelling
- Menzies School of Research
- University of Queensland
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney
- Royal Darwin Hospital
External person
Rinaldo Bellomo
- University of Melbourne
- Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre
- Monash University
- Austin Hospital
- George Institute for Global Health
- Royal Melbourne Hospital
- The College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand
- Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre
External person
David Peiris
- George Institute for Global Health
- University of New South Wales
- The University of Sydney
External person
Min Jun
- The University of Sydney
- University of New South Wales
- George Institute for Global Health
External person
Bruce Neal
- The University of Sydney
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney
- Imperial College London
- George Institute for Global Health
External person
Steve Chadban
External person
Meg J. Jardine
- George Institute for Global Health
- Concord Repatriation General Hospital
- University of New South Wales
- The University of Sydney
- Repatriation General Hospital
External person
Jonathan Craig
External person
Toshiharu Ninomiya
- The University of Sydney
- Graduate School of Medical Sciences
External person
Sradha Kotwal
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
- Prince of Wales Hospital
- University of New South Wales
External person
John Myburgh
- George Institute for Global Health
- St. George Hospital
- University of New South Wales
- The University of Sydney
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney
External person
Simon Finfer
- The University of Sydney
- North Shore Hospital
- George Institute for Global Health
- Imperial College London
External person
Peter G. Kerr
- Monash University
- Monash Rural Health
- Monash Health
- Department of Nephrology
External person
Germaine Wong
- University of Toronto
- The University of Sydney
- Westmead Hospital
- Westmead Institute for Medical Research
External person
Kevan R. Polkinghorne
- Monash University
- La Trobe University
- Department of Nephrology
- Monash Health
External person
George Jerums
- University of Melbourne
- Austin Health
- Menzies School of Research
- The University of Melbourne
External person
Sunil Badve
External person
John Chalmers
- The University of Sydney
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney
External person
Carmel M. Hawley
- Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane
- University of Queensland
- Translational Research Institute
- Metro South and Ipswich Nephrology and Transplant Services (MINTS)
- Child Health Research Centre
- George Institute for Global Health
- Faculty of Medicine
- Translational Research Institute
External person
Elaine M. Pascoe
- University of Queensland
- Child Health Research Centre
- George Institute for Global Health
- Faculty of Medicine
- Translational Research Institute
External person
Sunil V. Badve
- Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane
- University of Queensland
- St. George Hospital
- George Institute for Global Health
- Child Health Research Centre
- Faculty of Medicine
External person
Wendy Hoy
External person
W. E. Hoy
- University of Queensland
- Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Queensland Health
- Menzies School of Research
- Monash University
- University of Mississippi
- Child Health Research Centre
- Griffith University
External person
Louisa Sukkar
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
- University of New South Wales
External person
Celine Foote
- The University of Sydney
- George Institute for Global Health
- Repatriation General Hospital
- University of New South Wales
- Concord Repatriation General Hospital
External person
Kris Rogers
- George Institute for Global Health
- University of New South Wales
- UTS University of Technology Sydney
External person
Amy Kang
- George Institute for Global Health
- University of New South Wales
- Prince of Wales Hospital
External person
Mark Woodward
- The University of Sydney
- University of Oxford
- Johns Hopkins University
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney
- Fletcher
- University of New South Wales
- Imperial College London
- George Institute for Global Health
External person
Elaine Pascoe
External person
Michelle Irving
External person
Andrea K Viecelli
- Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane
- University of Queensland
- Child Health Research Centre
- Faculty of Medicine
- Translational Research Institute
External person
Peta Anne Paul-Brent
- University of Queensland
- Child Health Research Centre
- Faculty of Medicine
- Translational Research Institute
External person
Cherian T. Sajiv
- NT Government
- Alice Springs Hospital
- Menzies School of Research
- Flinders University
External person
Robyn Norton
- George Institute for Global Health
- Queensland Health
- The University of Sydney
External person
Laurent Billot
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
- University of New South Wales
External person
External person
Nicholas A. Gray
- University of Queensland
- University of Auckland
- Sunshine Coast University Hospital
- Child Health Research Centre
- Sunshine Coast University Hospital
- Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry
- Sunshine Coast Health Institute
- University of the Sunshine Coast
- Sunshine Coast University Hospital
- Sunshine Coast University Hospital
External person
C Preece
External person
Matthew A. Roberts
- University of Queensland
- Monash University
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
John Rose
External person
Stephen McDonald
- South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- The University of Adelaide
- University of Adelaide
External person
Graham R D Jones
- St. Vincent's Hospital Sydney
- St Vincent's Hospital
- University of New South Wales
- George Institute for Global Health
External person
Gregory R. Fulcher
- North Shore Hospital
- The University of Sydney
- Northern Clinical School
- The University of Sydney Northern Clinical School
External person
Noel Hayman
External person
Craig Anderson
- The University of Sydney
- University of New South Wales
- University of Edinburgh
- Peking University
External person
M. Gallagher
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
- University of New South Wales
External person
Carol Pollock
- The University of Sydney
- Kolling Institute of Medical Research
- North Shore Hospital
External person
Carinna Hockham
- George Institute for Global Health
- University of New South Wales
- The George Institute for Global Health
- Imperial College London
External person
Helena J. Teede
- Monash University
- Diabetes and Vascular Medicine Unit
- Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes
- Monash Health
- Monash Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre
- Department of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes
External person
Deborah A. Askew
- University of Queensland
- Queensland Health
- Child Health Research Centre
- Faculty of Medicine
External person
J Craig
External person
Jicheng Lv
- The University of Sydney
- Peking University
- Peking University First Hospital
- George Institute for Global Health
- University of New South Wales
External person
Edward Zimbudzi
- Monash University
- Department of Nephrology
- Monash Rural Health
- Monash Health
External person
Ashley B. Irish
- Fiona Stanley Hospital
- University of Western Australia
- George Institute for Global Health
- Fiona Stanley Hospital
- UWA Medical School
External person
Christopher T Chan
- Departments of Radiology
- University of Toronto
- University Health Network
External person
Armando Teixeira-Pinto
- The University of Sydney
- Westmead Institute for Medical Research
External person
Maree L. Hackett
- University of New South Wales
- University of Central Lancashire
- The University of Sydney
- George Institute for Global Health
External person
Janak R. De Zoysa
- University of Toronto
- North Shore Hospital
- University of Auckland
- George Institute for Global Health
External person
Richard Allen
External person
Graham Gee
- Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
- The University of Melbourne
- Victorian Aboriginal Health Service
- Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences
- Victorian Aboriginal Health Service
- University of Melbourne
- Royal Children's Hospital
External person
J Chalmers
External person
Sara Farnbach
- George Institute for Global Health
- University of New South Wales
- The University of Sydney
External person
Timothy Usherwood
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
- University of New South Wales
- Sydney Medical School
External person
David Sullivan
- Sydney Medical School
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney
- The University of Sydney
- NSW Health
External person
Andrew G Ellis
External person
Selina Signal
- Top End Health Services
- Royal Darwin Hospital
- Northen Territory Government
- Top End Health and Hospital Services
External person
Peter Kerr
External person
Giovanni Strippoli
External person
Sandra Eades
- Baker Heart Research Institute
- Monash University
- The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre
- University of Melbourne
- The University of Melbourne
- Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
External person
Stephen MacMahon
- The University of Sydney
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney
External person
Sankar Navaneethan
External person
Julie Ratcliffe
- James Cook University (Cairns) and Flinders University (Adelaide)
- Flinders University
External person
Dorrilyn Rajbhandari
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney
- George Institute for Global Health
External person
Sagar Nigwekar
External person
Namrata Khanal
- University of Adelaide
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Adelaide Medical School
- South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
External person
Alexander Brown
External person
Lixin Jiang
- Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
- Fuwai-Oxford Collaborative Centre for Cardiovascular Health
External person
Geetha Rathnayake
- Monash University
- Flinders University
- Territory Pathology
- Royal Darwin Hospital
- Northen Territory Government
- Primary Health Network
- Territory Pathology
- Virtus Diagnostics
- Northern Territory Government
External person
Anne Marie Eades
- University of New South Wales
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
External person
Niamh Meagher
- University of Melbourne
- Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
- The University of Sydney
External person
R MacIsaac
External person
Stephen P. McDonald
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital Australia
- University of Adelaide
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry
- Adelaide Medical School
- South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
External person
Cherian Sajiv
- Alice Springs Hospital
- Flinders University
- NT Renal Services
- Royal Darwin Hospital
- James Cook University (Cairns) and Flinders University (Adelaide)
- Northen Territory Government
- NT Department of Health
External person
Brendan Smyth
- University of New South Wales
- The University of Sydney
- George Institute for Global Health
- St. George Hospital
External person
Fiona Turnbull
External person
I Ranasinghe
External person
Satyarth Kulshrestha
External person
Jason A. Roberts
- Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Queensland Health
- University of Queensland
- Nîmes University Hospital
- Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi
- Université de Montpellier
- Herston Infectious Diseases Institute
- Metro North Health
- Northern Hospital
External person
Sandra A. Johnson
- University of Melbourne
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Rachael Morton
External person
David P. Peiris
- University of New South Wales
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
External person
Noel E. Hayman
- Queensland Health
- Southern Queensland Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care
- University of Queensland
- Griffith University
- Inala Indigenous Health Services
- Islander Primary Health Care
- Griffith University
- Metro South Hospital and Health Service
External person
Daqing Hong
- University of New South Wales
- Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital
- University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
External person
R. J. MacIsaac
- St. Vincent's Hospital Melbourne
- University of Melbourne
- Baker Heart Research Institute
External person
Karrina DeMasi
- Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT (AMSANT)
- Kids Research Institute Australia
External person
Elizabeth Comino
- University of New South Wales
- Ingham Institute of Applied Medical Research
- NSW Health
External person
Stephen Colagiuri
External person
Andrew Weekes
External person
Amit Garg
External person
Liza Vergara
External person
Hiddo Lambers Heerspink
External person
Lei Zhang
- University of Queensland
- Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- University of New South Wales
- Monash University
- Tsinghua University
External person
Pamela Wood
- NT Department of Health
- Nursing Renal Integration
- Northen Territory Government
- Top End Health and Hospital Services
External person
J Eris
External person
D Brieger
External person
The RENAL Study Investigators
External person
Carl Mogensen
External person
Sarah Brown
- Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku (WDNWPT)
- Western Desert Nganampa Walytija Palyantjaku Tjutaku
External person
Jeremy Chapman
External person
S Girgis
External person
Duncan Campbell
External person
Philip Clayton
External person
Shirin Kalimuddin
- Singapore General Hospital
- National University of Singapore
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
R. Dotel
- The University of Sydney
- Blacktown Hospital
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
- Westmead Hospital
External person
Bernadette Rickards
External person
Deborah Askew
External person
Jeffrey Lipman
- University of Queensland
- Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Queensland Health
- Université de Montpellier
External person
[...and others]
External person
George Mangos
External person
Dafna Yahav
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Tel Aviv University
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Peta Paul-Brent
External person
M Brown
External person
C. Reith
External person
Ying Wang
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
- University of New South Wales
- Nanjing Tech University
- Macquarie University
External person
Thomas Lung
- George Institute for Global Health
- University of New South Wales
- The University of Sydney
External person
Hong Foo
- NSW Health
- NSW Health Pathology
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Vivekanand JHA
- University of Oxford
- George Institute for Global Health
- Imperial College London
- Prasanna School of Public Health
- University of New South Wales
External person
M. Paul
- Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Lai Hooi
External person
J. Tobert
External person
B. Smyth
External person
Natasha E. Holmes
- Austin Centre for Infection Research
- University of Melbourne
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
L. Agodoa
External person
Steven Webb
External person
D. C. Lye
- Tan Tock Seng Hospital
- Nanyang Technological University
- National Centre for Infectious Diseases
- National University of Singapore
- National Centre of Infectious Diseases
- Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
- National Center for Infectious Diseases
External person
R Colagiuri
External person
P. Sleight
External person
Sophia Archuleta
- National University of Singapore
- Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Timothy Mathew
External person
Zhi-Hong Liu
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- University of Adelaide
- Nanjing University
- Chengdu University of Technology
- Jinling Hospital
External person
Morgyn S. Warner
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital Australia
- University of Adelaide
- Central Adelaide Local Health Network
- University of Adelaide
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
James O. Robinson
- Royal Perth Hospital
- Fiona Stanley Hospital
- PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA
- Murdoch University
- Fiona Stanley Hospital
- University of Melbourne
- The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Nicole M. Isbel
- Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane
- University of Queensland
- St. George Hospital
External person
Archana Sud
- The University of Sydney
- Nepean Hospital
- Dandenong Hospital
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Adrian R. Tramontana
- Western Health
- University of Melbourne
- Melbourne Medical School
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Austin Stack
External person
Sandrine Stepien
- The University of Sydney
- George Institute for Global Health
- University of New South Wales
External person
Henry Krum
External person
B. A. Rogers
- University of Queensland
- Royal Darwin Hospital
- Monash University
- Infectious Diseases Unit
- Monash Medical Centre
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Richard MacIsaac
External person
S McDonald
External person
Niladri Ghosh
- Wollongong Public Hospital
- Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Clara K. Chow
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
- Westmead Hospital
- University of New South Wales
- Department of Cardiology
External person
S.M Twigg
External person
Muh Geot Wong
- University of Malaya
- University of New South Wales
- North Shore Hospital
- Sydney Adventist Hospital
External person
Sajiv Cherian
- Alice Springs Hospital
- Sullivan and Nicolaides Pathology
- Royal Darwin Hospital
External person
Ben Talbot
- George Institute for Global Health
- University of New South Wales
- Ellen Medical Devices
External person
Yeoungjee Cho
- Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane
- Faculty of Medicine
- University of Queensland
- Translational Research Institute
External person
Genevieve L. McKew
- Concord Repatriation General Hospital
- The University of Sydney
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Thaminda Liyanage
External person
Colman Taylor
- University of Worcester
- George Institute for Global Health
- University of New South Wales
External person
Mark R. Marshall
- Leicester General Hospital
- University of Auckland
- Department of Renal Medicine
- Counties Manukau Health
- Baxter Healthcare (Asia) Pte Ltd
- University of Limerick
External person
H. Holdaas
External person
ADVANCED Collaborative Group
External person
Lawrence Agodoa
External person
Kazo Kaizu
External person
A Brown
External person
Hueming Liu
External person
Deborah Inskip
- St. George Hospital
- University of New South Wales
- Monash University
- University College Dublin
- University of Western Australia
- Quantum Health
- Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
External person
Glenn Salkeld
External person
Victor Gura
External person
Francesco Locatelli
External person
Sam Heard
- Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Aboriginal Corporation
- Aboriginal Corporation
External person
Brenda Rosser
External person
N Gray
- Nambour General Hospital
- Instruct: An Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure for Europe
External person
Giovanni F.M. Strippoli
- The University of Sydney
- Diaverum Medical Scientific Office
- Amedeo Avogadro University of Eastern Piedmont
- University of Bari
External person
Alison Hayes
External person
Stephen McDonald
- South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
- Adelaide Medical School
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- University of Adelaide
- ANZDATA Registry
External person
David Lewis
- National Institute for Communicable Diseases
- The University of Sydney
- Hull Royal Infirmary
- Western Sydney Sexual Health Centre
External person
Stephane Heritier
External person
D. Lewis
External person
J. Strony
External person
Samantha Keogh
- Queensland University of Technology
- Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Queensland Health
- Griffith University
External person
Nicholas A. Anagnostou
- Flinders University
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
D Chew
External person
Mohammad Radwanur Talukder
- Leukaemia Foundation
- Baker Heart Research Institute
- Menzies School of Research
External person
Alex Brown
External person
Jonathan Shaw
External person
Jannah Baker
- University of Queensland
- George Institute for Global Health
- The University of Sydney
External person
Charles Thompson
External person
Chris Perry
- Queensland Health
- University of Exeter
- Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory
External person
C. Wanner
External person
Philip J. Schluter
- University of Canterbury
- University of Queensland
- University of Otago
- Auckland University of Technology
External person
Yahya Shehabi
- Prince of Wales Hospital
- Monash Health
- Monash University
- University of New South Wales
External person
Jing Wang
- First Affiliated Hospital of Dalain Medical University
- Institute of Botany Chinese Academy of Sciences
External person
Swapnil Hiremath
External person
Jingky Lozano-Kühne
External person
Sandra Bailey
External person
Sebastiaan J. Van Hal
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney
- Sydney Medical School
- The University of Sydney
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Rachel Reilly
- South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
- University of Adelaide
- University of Melbourne
- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology
External person
Benjamin P. Howden
- University of Melbourne
- The University of Melbourne
- Austin Health
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
B. Kasiske
External person
Tao Wang
- The Fifth Affiliated (Zhuhai) Hospital of Zunyi Medical University
- Rehabilitative Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences
- Central China Normal University
External person
Trevor Mori
External person
Sally Redman
External person
Suetonia Palmer
External person
Patricia E Ferguson
- Blacktown Hospital
- Westmead Hospital
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Ling Zhang
- Specialist Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Ministry of Health of People's Republic of China
- Capital University of Medical Sciences
External person
B Zhu
External person
Francesco Ierino
External person
Naomi Runnegar
- Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane
- University of Queensland
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Christine Verdon
External person
D. Simpson
External person
Bastiaan De Galan
External person
Amanda Y. Wang
External person
Philip A. Clayton
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney
- The University of Sydney
External person
Amanda Robertson
External person
John Brady
External person
Genevieve B. Walls
- Middlemore Hospital
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
David J. Price
- The University of Melbourne
- University of Melbourne
- Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
- Royal Melbourne Hospital
External person
Carol Burch
External person
Bernard Canaud
External person
Z. A. Massy
External person
Karen Best
- South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
- Adelaide Medical School
- School of Medicine
- School of Medicine
- Women's and Children's Hospital Adelaide
External person
C. Tomson
External person
Philippa Middleton
- University of Adelaide
- The University of Adelaide
- International Stillbirth Alliance
- South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
- University of Queensland
- Aboriginal Communities and Families Health Research Alliance (ACRA)
External person
Michiel Bots
External person
R. Collins
External person
Stephen McBride
- Middlemore Hospital
- Northern Hospital
- Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person