6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of David Ompong with the persons below:
Kiran Sreedhar Ram
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Lecturer in Engineering
Person: Research and Teaching
Jai Singh
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Engineering - Emeritus Professor of Physics
Person: Research
Hooman Mehdizadeh Rad
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Engineering - Senior Lecturer - Mechanical Engineering
Person: Research and Teaching
Bogdan Dlugogorski
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Energy and Resources Institute - Distinguished Research Professor
Person: Research
Taslima Khanam
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Engineering - Lecturer - Engineering Mathematics
Person: Teaching
Naveen Kumar Elumalai
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Engineering - Senior Lecturer - Mechanical Engineering
Person: Research and Teaching