12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Holly Lourie with the persons below:
Stephen Garnett
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Research Institute for Environment and Livelihoods - Professor - Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods
Person: Research
Cat Kutay
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Information Technology - Senior Lecturer in Information Technology
Person: Research and Teaching
Jennifer Macdonald
- Faculty of Arts and Society, Northern Institute - CDU-CSIRO Research Fellow-Northern Institute
Person: Research and Teaching
Jon Mason, MACS-CP
- Faculty of Arts and Society, Education - Associate Professor in Education (e-Learning)
Person: Research and Teaching
Toni McCallum
- Faculty of Arts and Society, Education - Lecturer - Education (Early Childhood)
Person: Teaching
Cara Penton
- Faculty of Arts and Society, Northern Institute - Research Fellow - CSIRO/NI
Person: Research and Teaching
Ciprian Nicolae Radavoi
- Faculty of Arts and Society, Law - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Teaching
Natasha Stacey
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Environment - Professor
Person: Research and Teaching