2019 IAS Rainmaker Start-up Grant- ‘Is using an immersive virtual reality (VR) teaching approach an effective modality for distance education?’

  • Gray, Michelle (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
  • Geraghty, Sadie (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
  • Hartz, Donna (Chief Investigator C)
  • Bromley, Angela (Chief Investigator D)
  • Andersen, Patrea (Chief Investigator E)
  • Downer, Terri (Chief Investigator F)
  • Hanson, Julie (Chief Investigator G)
  • Dunn, Peter (Chief Investigator H)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    An existing 3D Virtual Reality artefact created by technology designer Simon Osbourne, and academic Michelle Gray for use in a CAVE2TM while working at the University of the Sunshine Coast, will be adapted for use on a mobile device. This research project will sign an Intellectual Property (IP) agreement between University of the Sunshine Coast and Charles Darwin University for use of the artefact. The proposed study will evaluate the learning outcomes of midwifery students exposed to VR using a mobile device, in addition to their planned curriculum activities; compared to students exposed to traditional curricula activities. The aim is to establish the suitability of using VR for distance education. The Rainmaker funds will be used to set up the legal, technical and project management infrastructure across 6 university sites. Michelle Gray has a continued research interest in the use of VR and has an adjunct senior lecturer position at USC. Michelle has presented the creation and use of the existing 3D midwifery VR learning artefact used within a CAVE2 environment at 8 education, simulation and midwifery conferences between June 2018- May 2019. Although the use of the 3DVR artefcat has been evaluated as a teaching tool, there is no research outcomes. A grant is being applied for to rectify this issue.
    Short title3D Virtual Reality Midwifery Learning Artefact
    Effective start/end date4/11/1929/10/21


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