2020 Rainmaker Start Up - ARC Linkage - Dynamic Habitat Mapping Framework

  • Russell-Smith, Jeremy (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
  • Edwards, Andrew (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
  • Evans, Jay (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
  • Fisher, Rohan (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
  • Yates, Cameron (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
  • Luttig, Danie (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
  • Lewis, Michelle (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
  • Hawkey, Casey (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)

Project: Research

Project Details


Outline: Rainmaker start-up funding to develop an ARC Linkage Proposal for a Dynamic Habitat Mapping Framework for the Arnhem Plateau Region.Description: The proposal builds on consultations undertaken over the past few years with regional Indigenous land management organisations (ALFA, Warddeken, Jawoyn, Gundjeihmi, Mimal, Adjumarlarl), conservation agencies (Kakadu, Nitmiluk) and related institutions (ERISS), to: (a) collaboratively identify research (mapping, monitoring) needs of respective land management organisations; (b) implement a program involving targeted training (VET to higher degree) and mentoring to develop identified priorities; (c) for innovative delivery of required research/monitoring system outputs. Eligible co-funding partners (Indigenous Land & Sea Corporation—ILSC; The Nature Conservancy—TNC) have provided in-principle support. Start-up funding is required to employ/contract, provide logistic support for, appropriate qualified person(s) to assist with organising/liaising with multiple partners (including others not already included, e.g. TNRM), and putting this multi-partner proposal together. Alignment: The proposed program broadly (and innovatively) addresses latest (Nov 2019) ARC-Linkage guideline “Objectives”, “Intended outcome”. The proposal also meets the funding objectives of ILSC, TNC towards enhancing the capacities of Indigenous land managers and land management organisations
Short titleARC Linkage - mapping
Effective start/end date15/07/2030/06/22


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