Heat Stress Management App: prototype testing to full public deployment

  • Oppermann, Elspeth (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)

Project: Research

Project Details


CRCNA EOI - This project will field-test and deploy the Heat Stress Management smartphone application for use in the Northern Territory (NT). The project will be led by Charles Darwin University, working in collaboration with IT developer SRA and GTNT (Group Training NT), all Darwin-based. They will be supported by Queensland-based researchers at Menzies School of Health Research and Thermal Hyperformance. Field-trials of the ‘App’ will be conducted with Group Training NT (GTNT) apprentices and trainees in the NT’s hot and humid ‘Top End’ region. Learnings will be shared with other Northern Australian Group Training Organisations through the Heat Stress Research Partnership
Effective start/end date8/01/1831/12/20


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