Identifying and monitoring critical shark and ray habitat in the Indo-West Pacific Ocean through citizen science

Project: HDR ProjectPhD

Project Details


This research aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the role of citizen science in the research and conservation of sharks and
rays in the Indo-West Pacific Ocean, with a particular focus on critical habitats identified through the Important Shark and Ray Area (ISRA)
project. The first chapter reviews citizen science contributions, analyzing trends in project coverage, species studied, and data types
collected, while identifying research gaps and offering recommendations for enhancing citizen science's role in critical habitat identification
and monitoring. The subsequent chapters focus on specific regions, including Asia and the New Zealand and Pacific Islands, where the
application of ISRA criteria will be assessed, the overlap of identified habitats with biodiversity hotspots, and the contribution of citizen
science to habitat delineation. Special attention is given to the socio-cultural and economic factors driving successful citizen science
initiatives. Finally, the work explores the critical habitats of elasmobranchs in Timor-Leste, consolidating local species data and launching
citizen science projects to establish a baseline for future conservation efforts. Collectively, these chapters highlight the importance of
citizen engagement in elasmobranch conservation, advocating for a collaborative approach to protect these vulnerable species and their
habitats effectively.
StatusNot started


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