Investigating gambling behaviours in non-English speaking populations in the NT: A scoping study.

  • Golebiowska, Kate (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
  • Gupta, Himanshu (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
  • Stevens, Matthew (Chief Investigator C)

Project: Research

Project Details


This project addresses the current priority to generate evidence and make recommendations to the Northern Territory Government (NTG) about the gambling behaviours of the non-English speaking background (NESB) populations (excluding Indigenous) in the Northern Territory (NT). Despite recent, substantial increases in these populations, there is a persistent lack of knowledge about their gambling behaviours, so this first systematic investigation will contribute to an advanced understanding of the gambling behaviours and problem gambling risk in the diverse Territory society. This pioneering study will be conducted by the CDU Northern Institute and the Menzies School of Health Research in 2019-2020 on behalf of the Northern Territory Government Community Benefit Fund (CBF). It will determine which NESB groups in the NT may be at higher risk of problem gambling and consequential gambling-related harms. The research design will participatory informed, to buffer against the potential for stigma and shame affecting the wellbeing of communities. First, an environmental scan of cultural associations and societies, immigrant support organisations, and counselling services will be carried out. Contact will be made with key personnel in these organisations, and a series of exploratory questions around gambling behaviours and harms in each NESB population group will be asked. Once analysed, NESB groups will be recontacted and invited to participate in further research identifying how Government and NGO services can better support them to access gambling help services, and how to ensure the services are culturally appropriate. Upon completion of the project, a final report with findings and recommendations will be submitted to CBF, while plain language summaries will be developed and presented to each stakeholder.
Effective start/end date7/01/2013/08/21


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