Local decision-making for the delivery of government services in NT Aboriginal communities: Drivers, implementation lessons and distinctive features (RAI)

  • Tremblay, Pascal (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
  • Boyle, Alicia (Co Investigator/Chief Investigator B)
  • Spencer, Michaela (Chief Investigator C)

Project: Research

Project Details


This project is part of the Regional Australia Institute (RAI)’s Inquiry Program 2020, as approved by the Secretaries and Directors’ General meeting of December 2018.
The focus of this project is specifically on the recent Local Decision Making (LDM) framework being developed in the Northern Territory of Australia’s (NT) remote communities and regions, and which supports a range of objectives linked to government services delivery and involves deliberately a large amount of flexibility (from both community and government perspectives).
Effective start/end date30/11/2030/11/21


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