Management for the conservation of the northern quoll at Weipa

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The northern quoll is listed as Endangered under the Commonwealth EPBC Act. Recognised threats to quoll persistence are feral cats, changed fire regimes and cane toads. Given the length of time that cane toads and quolls have coexisted in this region, cane toad poisoning is unlikely to be a significant cause of mortality in the Weipa population. Recent camera trapping surveys by RTAW have revealed a tendency of the quoll population to be influenced by the level of cat activity detected on cameras, suggesting that feral cats pose a significant threat to the population. Camera trapping surveys across Cape York Peninsula have failed to detect quolls at a number of sites with historical records of the species, suggesting that the Weipa population is one of the last on the Cape and is therefore of high conservation significance.
    Effective start/end date1/03/1828/02/22


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