Projection Augmented Physical Landscape modelling for Tuvalu atoll Nanumea

  • Fisher, Rohan (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)
  • Senarath, Aravinda (Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator A)

Project: Research

Project Details


To support genuine engagement and visualisation of SPC’s state-of-the-art scientific modelling and to better engage and inform Tuvalu government and communities as well others within the region and beyond, to showcase and build awareness on the impacts of storm surge and sea level rise on island water resources a 3D model of Tuvalu (Nanumea Island) will be developed to support risk informed decision making. SPC has developed detailed visualised modelling utilising various datasets for national decision makers in areas of water security (groundwater), wave inundation, sea-level rise impacts on communities, asset and infrastructure modelling, digital elevation data (DEM), and risk modelling. This data layered together provides a holistic based understanding to support effective decision making.
Effective start/end date31/10/2330/12/23


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