Review of Technical Literature on Fluorine Free Foams (F3)

Project: Research

Project Details


The scope of work will include an in-depth review of open-access literature on F3 in English-language journal papers, trade publications, patents and reports, excluding reports from studies funded by the U.S. DoD under their SERDP (fundamental research) and ESTCP (testing and implementation research) programs. The scope will also include review of information found on the websites of up to 8 leading foam formulators including those who have their formulations accepted on the U.S. Qualifying Product List (presently Solberg and Bioex), and up to 6 others (e.g., Angus, Ansul, Dr. Sthamer). The review will group the formulations based on their chemistries, e.g., partly hydrated and fully hydrated alcohol-resistant formulations or film-forming (on kerosine) low viscosity concentrates, and typical performance (if available). The review will attempt to link the chemical composition with performance. Reports that do not identify the foam composition or their manufacturers are of limited value. Such reports will be summarised separately and will be included in an annotated list of references, explaining the reasons for their exclusion from the main review.
Short titleLiterature Review on Fluorine Free Foams (F3)
Effective start/end date1/05/2410/06/24


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