Association of Dialysis Attendance with Kidney Transplant Outcomes in Northern Territory (Nt) Based Kidney Transplant Recipients

N. Khanal, P. D. Lawton, A. Cass, S. P. McDonald

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstract


Aim: To determine the relationship of dialysisattendance with subsequent kidney transplant outcomes among NT transplantrecipients

Background: In assessment for potential kidneytransplantation, surveys suggest nephrologists are concerned that missingdialysis may portend poor post‐transplant outcomes. In fact, little is knownabout the association of dialysis attendance and outcomes of kidney transplantation.We examined the relationship of prior dialysis modality and facilityhaemodialysis (FHD) attendance with subsequent outcomes in NT kidney transplantrecipients.

Methods: Data: NT hospital separations data, linkedwith demographic, comorbidity and transplant information from ANZDATA.Inclusion criteria: All NT based ESKD patients who started dialysis between 1st January1995 and 31st December 2011 and received a kidney transplant by 30th June2012 (n=113). Predictors: dialysis modality or attendance at FHD up to twoyears before transplantation. Outcome measure: all‐cause graft survival posttransplantation (including patient death).

Results: There were 67 patients receiving FHDsubsequently transplanted, of whom 48 (71.6%) were Indigenous. Based on weeklyFHD attendance, patients were divided in three groups: <2.5/week (n=10),2.50 to 2.75/week (n=14) and >2.75/week (n=43). There were 48 outcomeevents. Compared to participants receiving self‐care dialysis, n=46, hazardratio (HR) for graft loss or patient death was 1.02 (95% CI, 0.61‐1.69) inparticipants receiving FHD. Among FHD, compared to those attending >2.75sessions/week, there was no significant trend observed for patients attending2.50‐2.75/week (HR 1.82 [95% CI 0.85‐3.85]) or <2.5/week (HR 1.49 [95% CI0.58‐3.81]). With dialysis attendance (sessions per week) examined as acontinuous variable, there was no significant trend of association, HR 0.62(95% CI 0.15‐2.60).

Conclusions: In the NT, facility haemodialysisattendance variation was not associated with post‐transplant graft and patientsurvival.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20-20
Number of pages1
Issue numberS3
Early online date30 Aug 2017
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2017


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