Coding in rural Balinese non-formal education: social reproduction theory and liberal empowerment

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Following the work of Tamatea and Pramitasari in the Bali Coding Class (2018), we ask if liberal empowerment can sit alongside Bourdieu’s social reproduction theory in framing a non-formal education coding class for rural Balinese youth. While a review of critical theory informed literature suggests not, we appropriate the work of Mills to read data obtained from coding class students, teachers, and industry representatives to suggest otherwise. Focusing upon four ‘problematics’ identified in the ‘critical’ literature, we argue that Mills’ non-ideal deracialised liberalism provide the conceptual space for working with liberal empowerment and social reproduction theory contiguously.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1308-1327
Number of pages20
Issue number8
Early online date2023
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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