Community planning and development program: ground up monitoring and evaluation, interim report - December 2019

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report


    Ground Up Researchers from Charles Darwin University (CDU) were engaged by the Northern Land Council Community Planning and Development (CP&D) Program to undertake Subproject 2 of its Monitoring and Evaluation System Program: Participatory monitoring in Galiwin’ku and Gapuwiyak.Ground Up research and evaluation methods take seriously at the outset, the authority and sovereignty of Aboriginal knowledge authorities and elders and their various places, and work collaboratively with them to design, undertake and evaluate research and service delivery from the ground up. At each site local researchers were engaged and supported to negotiate understandings and practices of monitoring and evaluation with the clan elders who supervise the community development projects on their communities
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherNorthern Land Council
    Number of pages38
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


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