Designing for language revitalisation

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Paper published in Proceedingspeer-review

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    How do we design technologies, places, and activities that increase the survival prospects of a threatened language? The answer begins and ends with people, especially those who speak the languages in question. Too often, technologies for capturing languages do not offer an effective value proposition that would encourage large-scale participation by linguistic minorities in documenting their languages. A case in point is the Aikuma mobile app for crowdsourcing oral language documentation. I discuss Aikuma before reporting new designerly approaches in the areas of storytelling and language learning. These new approaches address the same challenge as before, only with better value propositions, while promising to deliver language documentation as a byproduct.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationLanguage Technologies for All (LT4All)
    Subtitle of host publicationEnabling Language Diversity & Multilingualism Worldwide
    EditorsGilles Adda, Khalid Choukri, Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg, Joseph Mariani, Hélène Mazo, Sakriani Sakti
    Place of PublicationParis
    PublisherEuropean Language Resources Association (ELRA)
    Number of pages4
    ISBN (Electronic)979-10-95546-33-7
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    EventInternational Conference Language Technologies for All - UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
    Duration: 4 Dec 20196 Dec 2019


    ConferenceInternational Conference Language Technologies for All
    Abbreviated titleLT4All
    Internet address


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