Differential cellular recognition of antigens during acute Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria

Ervi Salwati, Gabriela Minigo, Tonia Woodberry, Kim Piera, Harini De Silva, Enny Kenangalem, Emiliana Tjitra, Ross Coppel, Ric Price, Nicholas Anstey, M PLEBANSKI

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax are co-endemic in the Asia-Pacificregion. Their capacity to induce and sustain diverse T-cell responses underpinsprotective immunity. We compared T-cell responses to the largely conservedmerozoite surface protein-5 (PfMSP5) during acute and convalescent falciparumand vivax malaria.

Methods: Lymphoproliferation and IFN--γ secretion to PfMSP5 and purified protein derivatewere quantified in adults with falciparum (n = 34), and vivax malaria (n = 12)or asymptomatic residents (n = 10) of Papua, Indonesia. Responses werereassessed 7-28 days following treatment.

Results: Thefrequency of IFN-? responders to PfMSP5 was similar in acute falciparum (63%)or vivax (67%) malaria. However, significantly more IFN-γ-secreting cells weredetectable during vivax compared with falciparum infection. Purified proteinderivative responses showed a similarly enhanced pattern. While rapidly lost invivax patients, PfMSP5-specific responses in falciparum malaria remained to day28. By contrast, frequency and magnitude of lymphoproliferation to PfMSP5 weresimilar for falciparum and vivax infections.

Conclusion: CellularPfMSP5-specific responses are most frequent during either acute falciparum orvivax malaria, indicating functional T-cell responses to conserved antigens.Both effector and central memory T-cell functions are increased. Greater IFN-γresponses in acute P. vivax, suggest enhancement of pre-existing effectorT-cells during acute vivax infection. 

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1192-1199
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Infectious Diseases
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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