Diverse pictures of learning: The hidden work of shaping next generation learning spaces

Barbara White, Gregory Williams, Rebecca England

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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    Technology provision and Next Generation Learning Spaces (NGLS) should respond to the active learning needs of twenty-first century learners and privilege multiple 'pictures of learning' and associated knowledge work. In this sense it is important for NGLS to be pedagogically agnostic - agile enough to cater for a range of pedagogical approaches within the one physical space. In this chapter, the democratising and potentially disruptive power of new digital technologies to facilitate the privileging of these multiple pictures of learning is explored, recognising the significant rise in student ownership and academic use of mobile technologies. With their escalating ubiquity and their facilitation of active knowledge work, research around considerations for the implementation of mobile digital technologies is canvassed, highlighting a range of issues to be considered. This is part of the 'hidden work' of technology implementation. Without this hidden work, the potential of NGLS in facilitating and privileging active learning and multiple pictures of learning is diminished and the potential for reinforcing already powerful and potentially exclusionary modes of knowledge work increases. Finally to assist in articulating the hidden work of digitally enabled NGLS, a model is proposed to help understand how ease of use and confidence impacts on student and academic knowledge work. � 2014 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Future of Learning and Teaching in Next Generation Learning Spaces (International Perspectives on Higher Education, Vol 12)
    EditorsKym Fraser
    Place of PublicationUnited Kingdom
    PublisherEmerald Group Publishing Limited
    Number of pages24
    ISBN (Print)9781783509867
    Publication statusPublished - 2014

    Publication series

    NameInternational Perspectives on Higher Education Research
    ISSN (Print)1479-3628


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