Does stress influence blood chemistry of nesting flatback sea turtles (Natator depressus)?

Michael Guinea, Nirmala Nath, Dean Wright, Andrew Mark Raith

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Paper published in Proceedings


    Flatback Sea Turtles, Natator depressus, forage for molluscs and other invertebrates over the continental shelf of northern Australia. At least four discrete meta-populations use separated nesting sites on mainland Australia and coastal islands. Satellite tracking suggests the meta-populations mix on the feeding grounds and are therefore exposed to similar environmental conditions. The northern populations, which are the focus of this study, nest in the winter months, June to August, or throughout the year. Few reports address the physiology of Flatback Sea Turtle blood, and none address the usefulness of blood chemistry in assessing health. Efforts to use blood chemistry to assess the health of individual sea turtles and that of the population are hampered by boundary parameters such as size, sex and fasting condition.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Third Australian Marine Turtle Symposium
    PublisherAusTurtle Inc.
    Number of pages3
    ISBN (Electronic)978-0-6484020-1-5
    ISBN (Print)978-0-6484020-0-8
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventThird Australian Marine Turtle Symposium - Territory Wildlife Park, Darwin, Australia
    Duration: 22 Aug 201624 Aug 2016


    ConferenceThird Australian Marine Turtle Symposium


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