Empowering Indigenous natural hazards management in northern Australia

Jeremy Russell-Smith, Glenn James, Alan Maratja Dhamarrandji, Ted Gondarra, Danny Burton, Bevlyne Sithole, Otto Bulmaniya Campion, Hmalan Hunter-Xenie, Ricky Archer, Kamaljit K. Sangha, Andrew C. Edwards

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Citations (Scopus)
    129 Downloads (Pure)


    Northern Australia is prone to recurring severe natural hazards, especially frequent cyclones, flooding, and extensive wildfires. The region is sparsely populated (≪ 0.5 persons km−2), with Indigenous (Aboriginal) residents comprising 14% of the population, and typically the majority in remote regions. Despite national policy committed to addressing emergency management (EM) in vulnerable Indigenous communities, implementation remains unfunded. We synthesise participatory intercultural research conducted over seven years exploring core challenges, opportunities and potential solutions towards developing effective EM partnerships. Similar EM engagement and empowerment issues face First Nations and local communities in many international settings. In search of solutions, we explore developing effective partnership arrangements between EM agencies and culturally diverse Indigenous communities. Observing that government already provides substantial investment in cultural and natural resource management programmes conducted by over 150 Indigenous Ranger Groups (IRGs) nationally, we demonstrate that expansion of IRG roles to incorporate EM community engagement and service delivery can provide multiple cost-effective community and business development benefits for many remote communities.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2240-2260
    Number of pages21
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022

    Bibliographical note

    Funding Information:
    Open Access funding enabled and organized by CAUL and its Member Institutions.


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