Global policy scan of commercial combustible tobacco product retailing regulations by WHO region

Ruth Canty, Coral E. Gartner, Janet Hoek, Marita Hefler

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background/aims Regulatory schemes for tobacco retailing help restrict the supply and availability of smoked tobacco products. Tobacco retailer density and the proximity of tobacco outlets to youth spaces, such as schools, are greater in more disadvantaged areas. Exposure to tobacco retailing normalises smoking and increases ease of access, thus increasing smoking uptake and undermining quitting. To inform future policy, we conducted a global scan of combustible tobacco retail regulatory schemes (We use the term schemes to refer to any kind of relevant initiative, policy, regulations or legislation that we found). 

Methods All types of English language records concerning the regulation of commercial tobacco product availability were considered, including peer-reviewed journal articles, key reports and policy documents. The key features of regulatory schemes were documented. In addition, we contacted key informants in different countries and regions for advice on additional sources and undertook targeted searching in regions where we initially found little data.

Results/findings Although many countries have well-established and comprehensive tobacco control programmes, tobacco retail policy that actively addresses the availability of tobacco is underutilised. Many jurisdictions have implemented a minimum purchase age and restricted point-of-sale advertising and marketing. Other tobacco retailing regulations also included licensing systems with licence fees, caps on licences and restrictions on store location, type and retailer density/ proximity. A very small number of jurisdictions have ended tobacco retailing altogether. 

Conclusions At a minimum, policy-makers should implement licensing schemes, licence caps and proximity limits and invest in robust monitoring systems and compliance enforcement. Tobacco products’ ubiquity is incompatible with its status as a dangerous addictive substance and does not align with tobacco endgame goals.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
JournalTobacco Control
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - Jul 2024

Bibliographical note

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© 2024 BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved.


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