Interventions for Alcohol related Violence-AIMhi START study

R Jayaraj, T Nagel

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The incidence of facial trauma among Australian Indigenous peoples in the Northern Territory is the highest in the world. Alcohol-related trauma is the most frequent cause of such presentations. The average age of Indigenous people with facial fractures attending the maxillofacial surgery department at Royal Darwin Hospital is under 30 years. Violent assault - related facial fractures among Indigenous young adults who misuse alcohol are thus a major mental health concern. This abstract focuses on alcohol-related facial fractures in the Northern Territory and discusses progress of the intervention study Screening and Treatment of Alcohol Related Trauma (START) Brief Inventions trial which is testing effectiveness of a culturally adapted brief intervention in this setting.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventAnnual Australian Society for Medical Research National Scientific Conference: Indigenous Health: Action on Prevention - Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns, Australia
Duration: 13 Nov 201116 Nov 2011
Conference number: 50th


ConferenceAnnual Australian Society for Medical Research National Scientific Conference
Abbreviated titleASMR National Scientific Conference
Internet address


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