Marketing of tobacco products in Australia: Dealing with the emerging regulations

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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    Liberal western, democratic traditions provide 'freedom of choice, to consumers. This doctrine is also extended to commercial organisations in developing their marketing and promotional strategies. Some products, tobacco in particular, have continued to attract a high level of social and legislative scrutiny in the industrialised countries. There is an argument that tobacco products are excessively harmful to the society-particularly the vulnerable and disadvantaged. As a result governments have a bigger responsibility and a significant role to play in regulating such goods and services. The Australian Federal Government has recently introduced a bill into Parliament. It aims to lay down very stringent guidelines and restrict the promotional options for tobacco product marketing in Australia. This real and evolving case study looks into the challenges faced by the marketers.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCases on Consumer-Centric Marketing Management
    EditorsBruce Chien-Ta Ho, Nagendra V. Chowdary, Vinita Sahay, Kalyan De, G.C. Tripanthi, Roma Mitra Debnath, Gunjan Malhotra, Vishal Talwar, Jayanthi Ranjan, Eric Van Genderen
    Place of PublicationHershey PA, USA
    PublisherIGI Global
    Number of pages8
    ISBN (Electronic)9781466643581
    ISBN (Print)1466643579, 9781466643574
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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