Participant motivation of male master's rugby players participating in Golden Oldies World Rugby Festival

Tim Heazlewood, Joseph Walsh, Mik Climstein

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


    Introduction: Participant motivation evaluates factors that enhance motivation to participate in sport as health orientation, weight concern and personal goal achievement. Some research was conducted on international participant motivation factors based on different international level cohorts and gender comparisons for Football athletes. This information is valuable when marketing and encouraging masters athletes to compete in different sports. Aim of the research was to assess the factors promoting participation in 18th Golden Oldies World Rugby Festival (GOWRF) and establish a hierarchy of importance for these factors.

    Methods: Research ethics approval was granted for this research. Participants in the study were from the 2010 18th GOWRF, Sydney, Australia where 154 teams, 3041 players and 14 nations competed. Of the potential respondents 146 male players (mean age= 51.27 ± 8.04 y; weight= 95.24 ± 15.36 kg; height=178.83 ± 9.72 cm) completed the Motivations of Marathoners Scale (MOMS) with a 7-point Likertscale response to each item. The MOMS instrument has been used extensively with masters athletes across many masters sports competing at an international level and provides a very good understanding of how nine different generalizable participant motivation factors influence sports participation. The range was 1= least important to 7= most important reason via Limesurveytm interactive survey system. The MOMS instrument has 56 questions clustered into nine participant motivation factors measuring health orientation, weight concern, personal goal achievement, competition, recognition, affiliation, psychological coping, life meaning and self-esteem.

    Results and discussion: The order of importance to participate in the GOWRF was affiliation (mean= 5.17 ± 1.14), health orientation (mean= 4.84 ± 1.85), psychological coping (mean= 4.05 ± 1.60), goal achievement (mean=3.50 ± 1.56), weight control (mean= 3.36 ± 1.68), self-esteem (mean= 3.31 ± 1.47), competition(mean= 2.85 ± 1.29), life meaning (mean= 2.56 ± 1.48) and recognition (mean= 2.50 ± 1.42).The results indicate affiliation, health orientation and psychological coping are more important factors in seeking participation in masters Rugby, goal achievement, weight control and self-esteem of moderate importance, and competition, life meaning and recognition of lower importance. Male masters Football players, the order is similar except for psychological coping a more important participant motivation factor for masters Rugby players.

    Conclusions: Understanding participant motivation profile of masters athletes from different sports enables targeted marketing to meet these perceived motivation needs and enhance sport engagement.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    EventWorld Congress on Science & Football - Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia
    Duration: 4 Jun 20197 Jun 2019
    Conference number: 9th


    ConferenceWorld Congress on Science & Football
    Internet address


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