Red dirt education: A compilation of learnings from the Remote Education Systems project

John Guenther, Samantha Disbray, Sam Osborne

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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This book distils learnings from a five-year research project conducted by the Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation’s Remote Education Systems team, into one volume. The book is designed for educators, policy advisors, teacher educators and remote community members. Not only does it share what the project found, but it has several practical applications. Most importantly it tells the story of remote Aboriginal community members who want the very best out of education for their children—those who are grounded in the ‘red dirt’. It is a resource that we hope will be used for years to come. The book sheds light on the failures of the past, but offers solutions that will hopefully prevent the same failures from happening in the future.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAlice Springs, NT
PublisherNinti One
Commissioning bodyNinti One
Number of pages156
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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