Reflections on Mobile-assisted Jigsaw Listening Activities in the EAP Classroom

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    In the academic listening and speaking language classroom the teacher is tasked with making delivery decisions that expose students to situations they may encounter in a content-driven classroom. One such decision that comes to the fore is adding an explicit purpose to extended listening practice that goes beyond note taking and comprehension checking. A method of addressing this can come through taking a task-based learning approach and integrating jigsaw listening activities into the curriculum. This practice-based chapter explores the rationale for integrating jigsaw listening activities into the EAP curriculum, with mention of how individually-paced listening activities may be accessible through technology-enhanced learning and mobile devices. This chapter is built around teacher reflections of this approach and its implementation with two groups of EAP students. The teacher reflections consider elements relating to the module objectives and curriculum before reflecting on classroom setup and delivery. In addition, potential issues that arose throughout the semester are also examined alongside recommendations for future classroom implementation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEAP for the 21st Century
    Subtitle of host publicationThe UNNC Impact
    EditorsPaul Knight, Robert Smith
    PublisherShanghai Foreign Language Education Press
    Number of pages20
    ISBN (Print)9787544672771
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2022


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