Remapping the landscape of resilience: learning from an Arrernte teacher’s story

Al Strangeways, Lisa H Papatraianou

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Paper published in Proceedingspeer-review


    Resilience is central to helping teachers address the challenges of their profession. Most accounts, however, are limited by their uniform conceptualisation of resilience, failing to consider the impacts of context and culture. This paper explores what resilience means in the specific context of one Arrernte beginning teacher in central Australia. Using arts-based and narrative methods, we listen to his story, and follow the pathways he has taken across alandscape of resilience. Reflecting on his narrative offers us a new way of understanding the complexity of resilience and its function as it as a process rather than a phenomenon. Further, this reflection challenges the normative value judgements that arise from Western constructions of resilience. Following this teacher’s pathways helps us to re-mapthe landscape of resilience, so that the Western ‘highways’ that comprise conceptions of resilience as individualistic, value-laden and absolute are recognised as part of a broader landscape of resilience, one that is ecological,transactional and relative to time and place. 
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationKnowledge Intersections
    Subtitle of host publicationExploring the research of Central Australia
    Place of PublicationAlice Springs, Australia
    PublisherBatchelor Press
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventKnowledge Intersections: Exploring the Research of Central Australia - Alice Springs, Australia
    Duration: 18 May 201718 May 2017


    OtherKnowledge Intersections
    CityAlice Springs


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