Revegetation of Nabarlek minesite: Preliminary characterisation of vegetation on the minesite and on adjacent natural landscapes in September 2003

Peter Bayliss, Sean M. Bellairs, Kirrilly Pfitzner, S Vink

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The rehabilitated mine and adjacent analogue or reference areas were stratified into six sampling sites to systematically encompass the large variation in ground surface features (Mine sites: Evaporation Ponds 1 & 2; Waste Rock Dump; & Mine Pit; Reference sites: Eucalyptus woodland & Riparian forest). Three 50 m-transects were located randomly in each strata and orientated along an up slope-down slope gradient. Transects were subdivided into 0.1 ha subsamples (10 m x 10 m plots) to estimate canopy and ground cover attributes. Canopy cover (trees & shrubs) was characterised by: species diversity; density and height of trees and shrubs; projected percentage foliage cover; and dbh of trees. Ground cover was characterised by: species diversity; composition of major plant classes (grasses, herbs & sedges); cover and biomass of major plant classes; cover and biomass of weeds; and the cover of non-living attributes (litter, logs, bareground & rocks). Fifty 1.0 m2 quadrats were sampled along the length of transects (0.005 ha) to estimate seedling density by species where possible and, hence, canopy recruitment. Three soil subsamples were taken also from each transect for analysis of soil properties.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationDarwin
PublisherDepartment of the Environment and Heritage
Number of pages98
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2004


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