Security threats in online social networks

A. Sadeghian, M. Zamani, B. Shanmugam

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Paper published in Proceedingspeer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


While the popularity of using online social networks is rising every day, the security threats to the users of these networks also increased dramatically. Many people find Social networks very interesting, because they offer wide range of online services for socializing between friends and people that have similar interests. However sharing these interests online and using them without considering the security factor can lead a user to become victim of a hacker. There are many different types of threats exists that might put the social network's users at cyber security risk. In this study we discussed different common types of social network threats and provided solutions to mitigate the security risks of using social networks.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings - 2013 International Conference on Informatics and Creative Multimedia, ICICM 2013
PublisherIEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)978-076955133-3
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes
Event2013 International Conference on Informatics and Creative Multimedia - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Duration: 4 Sept 20136 Sept 2013


Conference2013 International Conference on Informatics and Creative Multimedia
Abbreviated titleICICM 2013


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