Tourist populations and local capital

Doris Schmallegger, Sharon Harwood, Lee Cerveny, Dieter Muller

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


One of the main challenges for remote communities is managing the limited human resources to generate local capital and restrict population decline. Attracting and retaining permanent resident populations in remote resource dependent settlements is challenging, particularly in times of economic restructuring and declining employment in resource extractive industries (see, for example, Halseth and Sullivan 2003, Randall and Ironside 1996, Bradbury and St-Martin 1983). As a result, many remote communities become reliant on temporary or semi migrants to maintain services and stimulate local development. Tourists, as a short-term form of temporary migrants (Williams and Hall 2000), are an important population source for remote areas. The apparent potential of tourism to stimulate local economic development and compensate for declines in traditional resource industries has been long recognised by government and economic development agencies (Hall and Boyd 2005). Despite an increasing interest in adopting tourism as an economic ‘saviour’ for fragile remote communities, the impacts that various short-term tourist populations have on local resident populations, and the contributions that they can make to the development of local capital, are not well understood.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDemography at the Edge
Subtitle of host publicationRemote Human Populations in Developed Nations
EditorsDean Carson, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Prescott Ensign, Lee Huskey, Andrew Taylor
Place of PublicationEngland, UK
PublisherAshgate Publishing Limited
Number of pages18
ISBN (Electronic)9781317152897
ISBN (Print)9780754679622
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2011 Dean Carson, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Prescott Ensign, Lee Huskey and Andrew Taylor.


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