Weather hazards, place and resilience in the remote norths

Sharon Harwood, Dean Carson, Elizabeth Marino, Nick McTurk

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


For centuries people have been on the move, the temporal and spatial extent of these movements varies considerably between people and the places that they inhabit. Movement from one location to another can be explained in terms of biological needs (Tuan 1977), whereby animals including human beings pause at a location because it satisfies certain biological needs (Tuan 1977: 138). The biological needs may be social, economic, spiritual or cultural by nature; however, if these needs are not met then the movement recommences. The movements can be attributed to seeking alternate sources of food, escaping inhospitable weather, moving to gain a new job or seeking life ‘re-creating’ experiences through tourism. This paper examines movement that is the result of being unable to meet biological needs such as the inability to access employment, safe shelter and food because of the effects of weather events. Bronen (2009) describes the two possible responses to weather related movements as climigration and migration. Climigration describes the forced permanent migration of communities due to climate change (Bronen 2009) and an inability to return to their home because their home is either under water or sinking, and migration describes the temporary relocation of individuals subsequent to a catastrophic weather event such as a cyclone.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDemography at the Edge
Subtitle of host publicationRemote Human Populations in Developed Nations
EditorsRasmus Ole Rasmussen, Prescott Ensign, Lee Huskey, Dean Carson, Andrew Taylor
Place of PublicationEngland, UK
PublisherAshgate Publishing Limited
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)9781317152897
ISBN (Print)9780754679622
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2011 Dean Carson, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Prescott Ensign, Lee Huskey and Andrew Taylor.


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