What do integrated STEM projects look like in classrooms? A systematic literature review of empirical studies of iSTEM projects

Felicity Mclure, Kok-Sing Tang, P. John Williams

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paper presented at Conference (not in Proceedings)


    The past 20 years has seen a growing focus on integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (iSTEM) disciplines in schools to provide students with authentic experiences of to solve real-world problems. A frequently stated aim for iSTEM projects has been increasing engagement and interest in pursuing STEM subjects in senior high school and tertiary studies. In order to better understand the iSTEM projects landscape in school classes, this systematic literature review analysed empirical studies of integrated STEM projects carried out in secondary schools to answer the following questions: What types of projects are described in empirical studies of middle/high school integrated STEM/STEAM/STEMM? What results or observations are reported when iSTEM projects are implemented in middle school/high school? In what ways are disciplines explicitly (or implicitly) integrated in these projects? 44 peer-reviewed publications were identified from database searches that met the following review inclusion criteria: (a) integrating two or more of the STEM areas, (b) middle/high school education and (c) explicitly describing the research intervention. The review revealed a diversity of iSTEM approaches in the literature as well as a gap detailing how teachers and students enact integration of STEM skills in these projects.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2022
    EventAnnual Conference of the Australasian Science Education Research Association - Curtin University, Perth, Australia
    Duration: 28 Jun 20221 Aug 2022
    Conference number: 53


    ConferenceAnnual Conference of the Australasian Science Education Research Association
    Abbreviated title2022 ASERA Conference
    Internet address


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