Whose city is it? A Thinking Guide to Darwin

Dean Carson (Editor), Doris Schmallegger (Editor), Suzanne Campbell (Editor), Catherine Martel (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportEdited Book


Darwin has unique historic, political, economic, demographic, and sociocultural characteristics that have made the capital of the Northern Territory a fascinating but sometimes challenging place to live. Darwin's population is projected to grow substantially over the next twenty or thirty years. Managing future growth will require a thorough understanding of the conditions that have shaped the economic, urban and social fabric of the city.This book aims to provide a thinking guide to Darwin to encourage locals and visitors alike to debate the various aspects that determine the way the city is functioning as a place to live, work, invest or visit. The book will reports on a variety of information and perspectives, including formal research and informal accounts of personal experiences provided by guest commentators in leading positions within Darwin society.The book takes the reader on a tour through Darwin and its immediate surroundings. The tour stops at particular places of historic and contemporary interest along the way and critically reflects on the opportunities and challenges of a range of factors that create and influence urban and community space in Darwin. Topics examined include demographic trends, political governance, economic investment, planning, industrial development, Aboriginal interests, housing, transport, education, health services, employment,
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationDarwin
PublisherCharles Darwin University Press
Number of pages64
ISBN (Print)9780980665062
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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