Associate Deans' perceptions of management skills
: a needs analysis

  • William Parlet

    Student thesis: Coursework Masters - CDU


    Associate deans (n=34) from the Northern Territory University (NTU) voluntarily participated in a qualitative and quantitative analysis of their management and administrative needs. NTU comprises both Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training sectors and the participants represented 77% of all associate deans. Participants' experience in the position ranged from less than six months to more than three years. The gender split of 74% men and 26% women reflected both the ratio of male/female academic employees at the university as well as the ratio within the total population of associate deans. All respondents to the initial questionnaire were followed-up by interview to validate their original answers and to expand on any particularly relevant points. The primary focus of the associate deans' questionnaire was to identify management training needs while the secondary focus was to determine those administrative/management tasks which they perceived to be most important in their role. The interview aimed to clarify those results and provided an opportunity for them to identify other issues related to undertaking this specific role. The results indicated that the major tasks they performed included budgeting, strategic planning, encouraging research/consultancy and developing and maintaining multiple levels of communication. The training needs they sought included an induction program, financial management skills, time and stress management and strategic planning skills. Recommendations are made regarding the structure of the position of associate dean and the delivery and content of their staff training. Issues related to the differences across the Higher Education and Vocational Educational Training sectors are discussed.
    Date of Award1996
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorJim Cameron (Supervisor)

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