The significance of fibre art
: people, place and environment

  • Alyson Megan De Groot

    Student thesis: Masters by Research - CDU


    My Master of Arts thesis, The Significance of Fibre Art -People, Place and Environment, is the culmination of two years of studio practice and theoretical research. The studio practice has culminated in Signs, an exhibition at Charles Darwin University in February 2009. This exegesis provides a contemporary context and explanation for my artwork through an exploration of the key issues which inform my art making.

    The major focus for my practical and theoretical research is the use of plant materials as a medium to make art. The exegesis explores the significance of fibre art to Indigenous people in relation to maintaining their cultural integrity in response to colonial influences. An extensive experimentation with the use of plant materials and basket making techniques over the past 15 years has been further expanded upon in my Masters studio research. Through the exploration of installation practice I create visual narratives to 'weave stories' that draw upon my personal experiences from working with and learning from Indigenous people.

    Another major focus of my research is the environment. This is an important topic in today's society and political climate as attitudes towards the environment are rapidly changing we are increasingly aware of our impact upon the planet. In the body of this exegesis, I focus on climate change and the growing global concern with environmental sustainability.

    Overall, my research is interdisciplinary, drawing upon scientific research and fibre art processes to create a visual narrative, which aims to educate and promote discussion about the nuclear cycle and how it impacts upon the marine life and public health in the Northern Territory.

    Note: Please note that artworks and images have been removed due to copyright restrictions.
    Date of AwardFeb 2009
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorSylvia Kleinert (Supervisor)

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